For Lightworkers, Intuitives, Empaths, and Healers See

Transform Your Blocks, Create More Peace, And Unlock Your Highest Potential 

With 3 Secret Alchemy Practices

From Atlantis🧜‍♀️ And Ancient Egypt!

By the end of this workshop you will Have Clarity to Heal Yourself And Align With Your Highest Potential!

Last Chance To Get The Recording AND Protection Class!

September 12 and 13
​​Thursday and Friday 2pm PST

September 12 and 13
Thursday and Friday 2pm PST


​​​​​​Explore 3 Secret Alchemy Practices To Heal Yourself And To Create:

More Clarity

More Time

More Confidence

Deeper Relationships

More Happiness

More Authenticity

In this Workshop you will learn how to:

💜 heal yourself with alchemy

🔥 get rid of your blocks with clarity

☀️ Connect with your multidimensional Soul so that you are free of past life karma and align with your highest timeline


Prepare For Eclipse Season!

Eclipse season starts on September 17.

Use these alchemy practices to prepare yourself for the Eclipses. Avoid the intensity and chaos of Eclipses, and instead make your Eclipse season more calm and empowering!

2 Day Alchemy Workshop

September 12 13 Friday and Thursday
2pm to 3:30pm PST

​You will receive a recording if you are not able to join LIVE

Sign Up Today To Get These Gifts!

Alchemy Playbook

By the end of the workshop you will have clear steps to start practicing alchemy. These steps will be laid out in your playbook


Progress is difficult without accountability and community. That's why you'll have access to our private community so that you can continue having momentum!

A Portion Of Your Purchase Will Be Donated

As we empower ourselves, it's important to empower others



FULL MOON CEREMONYFull Moon energies peak 3 days after the Moon is full.

You can listen to this meditation during any Full Moon or whenever you are guided to listen to it. Each time that you listen, it will shift something different within you!

When we host these circles, we create an energy blueprint out of space and time. This means that you are able to leverage the power of the group and Full Moon energy by listening to the recording.

Our Ceremony and Meditation is about 2 hours on Zoom on Sunday October 9. You will receive a recording if you cannot join live.

12PM Los Angeles Oct 9
1PM Denver Oct 9
3PM New York Oct 9
8PM London Oct 9
6AM Sydney Oct 10

What you will receive:

1. Live channeled ceremony & meditation and recordings
2. Access to our online community where you’ll receive tips, support, and resources!
3. Pre and post-ceremony instructions so that you get the most benefit
4. Group reading so that you get clarity for November
5. Your purchase matters. A portion of your purchase is donated

Please make sure you type your email address correctly when purchasing. You will get an email with a download link with information on how to access the ceremony. If you don’t receive an email, you can email us We cannot respond to Instagram DMs so please email us.

Can’t wait to transform together!

Much love,
ECLIPSE MEDITATIONThe Lunar Eclipse portal peaks until Nov 19 and is open until early December.

You can listen to this meditation at any Full or New Moon or anytime you feel guided to. Each time that you listen it will shift something different within you!

The recording is just as powerful. When we host these circles, we create an energy blueprint out of space and time. This means that you are able to leverage the power of the group and Eclipse energy by listening to the recording.

If you cannot join live, you will receive a recording 24 hours after the ceremony.

Our event is on Tuesday November 8 via Zoom.

5:30 PM Los Angeles
7:30 PM Chicago
8:30 PM New York
1:30 AM London (Nov 9)
12:30 PM Sydney (Nov 9)

What you will receive:

1. Live, channeled ceremony and meditation
2. Access to our private online community where you’ll continue receiving support and resources!
3. Pre and post-ceremony instructions so that you get the most benefit
4. Your purchase matters. A portion of your purchase is donated
5. 2 recordings of the ceremony and meditation

Please make sure you type your email address correctly when purchasing. You will get an email with a purchase confirmation. Click the link in that confirmation email to access the ceremony.

If you have any questions about your order, email we cannot respond to Instagram messages.

Can’t wait to manifest together!

Much love,
DNA ACTIVATION AND MANIFESTING WITH YOUR STARSEED FAMILYYou will receive a recording if you cannot join live.

What people experienced in last year’s ceremony:

“just incredible I’m at a level of no words can describe I felt so many sensations. I felt so free and light I’m feeling reborn seriously incredible thank you !”

“I was told to stop doubting myself and to take ownership of my gift for writing 

“I felt the Metatron cube all over my aura and i feel really blessed”

“I saw GoddessIsis spreading her wings above my entire house. It was incredible when you called for protection of the whole family!


“I saw a phoenix in my upper heart chakra

“I felt the most amazing amount and kind of energy when my DNA was being activated. My body was charging and kind of jumping and pulsing.”

“The energy was AMAZING! And so strong. I cried soon as I saw my entire spirit team. I was burping a lot as well. This was so powerful. At the end when we were ending, I saw my entire spirit family on my porch as if they were guiding me back

“I saw a massive blue star being in the universe with a golden crown and blue streams of light growing from it’s crown. Under it’s heart chakra was covered in gold like a cloud and they were watching me!

“I was told to stop hiding and to expose my gifts.

“I felt little diamond sparkles all inside my body
. What I loved the most was seeing my ancestors, angels, spirit babies.. I literally saw my spirit team. I loved this so much!”

What you get:
1. A channeled meditation
2. Access to our online community where you’ll continue getting tips and resources
3. Pre and post ceremony instructions so that you get the most benefit
4. Your purchase matters. A portion of profits will be donated
Can’t wait to transform together!
Please make sure you type your email add ress correctly when purchasing. You will receive an email with a download link with information on how to access the meditation.
DNA ACTIVATION AND MANIFESTING WITH YOUR STARSEED FAMILYYou will receive a recording if you cannot join live.

What people experienced in last year’s ceremony:

“just incredible I’m at a level of no words can describe I felt so many sensations. I felt so free and light I’m feeling reborn seriously incredible thank you !”

“I was told to stop doubting myself and to take ownership of my gift for writing 

“I felt the Metatron cube all over my aura and i feel really blessed”

“I saw GoddessIsis spreading her wings above my entire house. It was incredible when you called for protection of the whole family!


“I saw a phoenix in my upper heart chakra

“I felt the most amazing amount and kind of energy when my DNA was being activated. My body was charging and kind of jumping and pulsing.”

“The energy was AMAZING! And so strong. I cried soon as I saw my entire spirit team. I was burping a lot as well. This was so powerful. At the end when we were ending, I saw my entire spirit family on my porch as if they were guiding me back

“I saw a massive blue star being in the universe with a golden crown and blue streams of light growing from it’s crown. Under it’s heart chakra was covered in gold like a cloud and they were watching me!

“I was told to stop hiding and to expose my gifts.

“I felt little diamond sparkles all inside my body
. What I loved the most was seeing my ancestors, angels, spirit babies.. I literally saw my spirit team. I loved this so much!”

What you get:
1. A channeled meditation
2. Access to our online community where you’ll continue getting tips and resources
3. Pre and post ceremony instructions so that you get the most benefit
4. Your purchase matters. A portion of profits will be donated
Can’t wait to transform together!
Please make sure you type your email add ress correctly when purchasing. You will receive an email with a download link with information on how to access the meditation.
POWERFUL MANIFESTING WITH DIVINE FEMININE AND MASCULINE ENERGYThis is a powerful manifesting meditation that uses alchemy to optimize your manifestations. You will also receive manifesting rituals in our ceremony.

You will optimize the timing and delivery of your manifestations using alchemy. We do a fire and water alchemy ritual with your Divine Feminine and Masculine energy that makes manifesting 6x more powerful!

Testimonials from this meditation:

“The curse of 2020 is being lifted. Promotion and a good raise at my day job 72 hours after.” – Jen

“Within 24 hours I got a call from a customer who owed us for services and they wanted to pay ASAP. It’s a larger amount that I expected. Like 8 times larger than usual. I was completely shocked!” – Elizabeth

“The day after the meditation I went to the office and the women who I report to said she was giving me a raise. And she gave me a $400 check.” – Nadia

“I had a court hearing and I did the meditation the night before. The judge dismissed the case. I’m so grateful for your help.” – Victoria

“As we were manifesting, I got one order and another person inquiring. I haven’t felt this good in a long time.” – Rose

Please make sure you type your email correctly when purchasing. You will get an email with a download link to access the meditation.

What you get:
1. A channeled meditation and ceremony (2 recordings)
2. Manifesting tips
3. Access to our private online community where you’ll continue receiving tips and resources!
4. Pre and post ceremony instructions so that you get the most benefit
5. Your purchase matters. A portion of your purchase is donated
Can’t wait to manifest together!
Much love,
ACTIVATION FOR ABUNDANCE, COURAGE, AND DNA UPGRADEYou can listen to this activation during New Moons or whenever you feel called to. Every time that you listen, it will shift something new within you!

What we’ll do in the ceremony:

Connect with your spirit guides
Alchemy water ritual to manifest abundance, love, wealth, wisdom, growth, courage, and confidence
Receive courage and abundance activations from your spirit guides
Clearing ancestral karma and trauma from DNA
DNA activation to awaken full potential of your body
Connect directly with your Starseed family for guidance and clarity
What people experienced:

What you get:

1. Abundance and DNA upgrade activations meditation and ceremony

2 Pre and post-ceremony instructions to get the most benefit

3 Access to a private online community where you’ll continue receiving support and resources

4 Your purchase matters. A portion of all profits are donated

We highly recommend doing this fire ritual to burn blocks before listening to this abundance activation because you need to release the old, in order to receive the new.

Please make sure you write your correct email address when purchasing. You will receive an email with instructions on how to access the event.

Can’t wait to manifest with you!

Have a question? Email
CEREMONY FOR NEW BEGINNINGSIn this meditation you will do an alchemy ritual to help you remove obstacles from the next 3 months. You’ll connect with your higher self to manifest and activate your solar plexus.

What you get:

1. Ceremony and meditation
2. Pre and post-ceremony instructions to ensure that you get the most benefit from the session
3. Access to a private Facebook or Telegram group where we’ll continue sharing tips
4. Your purchase matters. A portion of all profits will get donated to a local NGO.
Please make sure you write the correct email when purchasing. You will receive an email with a download link to access our ceremony and instructions for how to prepare.

Can’t wait to manifest together!

If you’re a single mother facing financial challenges, please email us at
DNA ACTIVATION WITH STARSEEDSThe Lions Gate portal is open until Aug 18. You can listen to this meditation during any Full Moon, New Moon, or whenever you are guided to listen to it. Each time that you listen, it will shift something different within you!

When we host these circles, we create an energy blueprint out of space and time. This means that you are able to leverage the power of the group and portal energy by listening to the recording.

What you receive:

1. Channeled ceremony and meditation
2. Access to our online community where you’ll receive tips, support, and resources!
3. Pre and post-ceremony instructions so that you get the most benefit
4. Your purchase matters. A portion of your purchase is donated

Please make sure you type your email address correctly when purchasing. You will get an email with a download link with information on how to access the ceremony. If you don’t receive an email, you can email us We cannot respond to Instagram DMs so please email us.

Can’t wait to connect!

Much love,

DNA Activation with Starseeds quantity
CLEANSING PAST AND PARALLEL LIVES AND MANIFESTING SOUL BALANCEThe Equinox portal is open until Sept 27 and you can listen to this recording during any New Moon, Full Moon, or any time that you want to! Each time that you listen, it will shift something different within you.

When we host these circles, we create an energy blueprint out of space and time. This means that you are able to leverage the power of the group and portal energy by listening to the recording.

***Beginner and advanced meditators welcomed***

1. Channeled Ceremony and meditation recordings
2. Pre and post-ceremony instructions so that you get the most benefit
3. Access to our online community where you’ll receive tips, support, and resources!
4. Your purchase matters. A portion of your purchase is donated
Please make sure you type your email address correctly when purchasing. You will get an email with a download link with information on how to access the ceremony. If you don’t receive an email, you can email us We cannot respond to Instagram DMs so please email us.

Can’t wait to manifest together!

Much love,
RELEASING AND MANIFESTING MEDITATIONThe manifesting portal is open from June 7 – 23. You can listen to this meditation at any New Moon or whenever you want to manifest.

In this ceremony and meditation you will:

Manifest with an alchemy fire and water ritual to make your manifestations 6x more powerful.
Manifest with your soul rather than your ego to get what you actually want
Activate your solar plexus (chakra for personal power and confidence)
Manifest with your spirit guides
Release so that you can receive your manifestations
***Beginner and advanced meditators welcomed***

Here’s what people experienced in this ceremony:

1. Live Ceremony and meditation
2. Pre and post-ceremony instructions to ensure that you get the most benefit from the session
3. Access to a private Facebook or Telegram group where we’ll continue sharing tips
4. Your purchase matters. A portion of all profits will get donated
Please make sure you write the correct email when purchasing. You will receive an email with a download link to access our ceremony.

Can’t wait to manifest together!
EGYPTIAN GODDESS MEDITATION FOR SPIRITUAL GROWTHIn this ceremony and meditation, you will connect with Goddess Isis and your Spirit Guides to release blocks, clear your chakras, and activate your energy centers.

After releasing, you will do a water alchemy ritual for manifesting to make your manifestations 6x more powerful.

What people experienced:

What you get:

1. Ceremony and meditation
2. Pre and post-ceremony instructions to ensure that you get the most benefit from the session
3. Access to a private Facebook or Telegram group where we’ll continue sharing tips
4. Your purchase matters. A portion of all profits will get donated to a local NGO.
Please make sure you write the correct email address when purchasing. You will receive an email with a download link to access our ceremony and instructions for how to prepare.

Can’t wait to manifest together!
MANIFESTING MEDITATION***Beginner and advanced meditators welcomed***

The Solstice is not only a gateway for a new season, but it creates a portal to a new cycle in our lives.

In our Ceremony and Meditation you will balance your divine feminine and masculine energy with Goddess Isis and Archangel Metatron so that you can start this season with more peace, alignment, and ease.

We’ll also do an alchemy ritual to make your manifestation 6x more powerful.

You can listen to this recording during any portal, New Moon, or any time that you want to manifest!

When we host these circles, we create an energy blueprint out of space and time. This means that you are able to leverage the power of the group and Solstice energy by listening to the recording.

1. Channeled ceremony and meditation
2. Pre and post-ceremony instructions and manifesting tips to ensure that you get the most benefit!
3. Access to a private online community where we’ll continue sharing tips and resources!
4. Your purchase matters. A portion of your purchase is donated

Please make sure you type your email address correctly when purchasing. You will get an email with a download link with information on how to access the ceremony. If you don’t receive an email, you can email us We cannot respond to Instagram DMs so please email us instead.

Can’t wait to manifest together!

Much love,
RELEASE ANCESTRAL KARMAConnect with your loved ones who passed and ancestors to get guidance and heal ancestral karma.

When we are born Into our families, we take on that lineage’s karma. It’s important to heal and release any karma that no longer serves your family’s highest good .

In this ceremony you will:
– Release fears, blocks, and ancestral karma
– Connect with your loved ones who passed away to get guidance
– Connect with your ancestors to release karma that is out of alignment with your family’s highest good

What you get:
1. A channeled meditation
2. Ritual to connect with your loved ones who passed away
3. Access to our private online community so that where you’ll receiving tips, resources, and support!
4. You purchase matters. A portion of your purchase is donated

Please make sure you type your email address correctly when purchasing. You will get an email with a download link to access the ceremony. If you don’t receive an email, you can email us We cannot respond to Instagram DMs so please email us.

Can’t wait to transform together!

Much love,
PROVEN AFFIRMATIONS FOR ABUNDANCE, HEALTH, LOVE, SUCCESS, JOY, AND CONFIDENCEThese proven affirmations will help you to create abundance, confidence, success, health, unconditional love, joy, and peace in your life quickly.

We created a unique way to do affirmations in a way that gives you instant results. It also includes bonus affirmations for you to connect with your spirit guides and psychic abilities.

“4 days after starting the affirmations Sol gave me, I got a paycheck with an extra $2,000!”- Kristin, Norway

“Within 3 days of using affirmations, I made $800 unexpectedly!”- Cynthia, USA

(This client was having issues with horribly painful cramps and other sex organ-related issues) “I started the nightly affirmations last Saturday and on Monday my period suddenly showed up. It was the most normal cycle I’ve had in a good while. Great seeing the results so soon! – Norway

Using affirmations allows you to develop new habits and belief systems much faster because it goes past the conscious mind and straight into the subconscious to create quick results.

This instantly downloadable PDF comes with complete instructions so that you can get fast, long-lasting results.

You will also get access to our private Facebook community where we’ll continue sharing resources with you!

*Your purchase matters. We donate a portion of your purchase.
MANIFESTING WITH YOUR SPIRIT GUIDESIn this meditation you will do an alchemy ritual to make your manifestations 6x more powerful.

You’ll connect with your spirit guides to receive guidance and manifest with them!

What people experienced:

What you get:

1. Channeled ceremony and meditation
2. Pre and post-ceremony instructions to ensure that you get the most benefit from the session
3. Access to an online community where we’ll share tips and resources
4. Your purchase matters. A portion of all profits will be donated
Please make sure that you write the correct email address when purchasing. You will receive an email with information on how to access our ceremony. If you have any questions about your order email

Can’t wait to manifest together!
MANIFESTING WITH YOUR SPIRIT GUIDES AND CLEANSING YOUR SOLAR PLEXUSThe 11/11 Manifesting and Awakening portal peaks until Nov 19.

You can listen to this meditation at any Full or New Moon or anytime you feel guided to. Each time that you listen it will shift something different within you!

This is a recording of our 11/11 ceremony and meditation. The recording is just as powerful. When we host these circles, we create an energy blueprint out of space and time. This means that you are able to leverage the power of the group and 11/11 energy by listening to the recording.

In this meditation you will:

Connect with your Spirit Guides to receive guidance and ask questions
Cleanse your Solar Plexus (area of personal power and confidence)
Manifest with your Spirit Guides
What people experienced:

What you will receive:

1. A channeled ceremony and a meditation
2. Access to our private online community where you’ll continue receiving support and resources!
3. Pre and post-ceremony instructions so that you get the most benefit
4. Your purchase matters. A portion of your purchase is donated

Please make sure you type your email address correctly when purchasing. You will get an email with a purchase confirmation. Click the link in that confirmation email to access the ceremony.

If you have any questions about your order, email we cannot respond to Instagram messages.

Can’t wait to manifest together!

Much love,

Manifesting With Your Spirit Guides and Cleansing Your Solar Plexus quantity
STARSEED MEDITATION FOR GUIDANCEConnect with your Starseed family for clarity and guidance. We are all connected to the Arcturians because we all have Arcturian DNA. In this meditation you will:

-Connect with Arcturian Starseeds

-Open up your Third-Eye

-Get guidance from your Starseed family

What you get:
1. Meditation with sound healing frequencies
2. Access to a private Facebook group where we’ll continue sharing tips!
3. Your purchase matters. A portion of all profits will be donated to an NGO
Starseed Meditation For Guidance quantity
HEALING AND MANIFESTING WITH ARCHANGEL METATRONThe Solstice portal peaks until Dec 25 and is open until January.

In this meditation you will:

Connect with Archangel Metatron to ask questions and to receive guidance
Learn how to work with sacred geometry to clear karmic imprints, distortions, cords, and imbalances from your cells and energy field
Learn how to move gracefully through your soul’s evolution
Clear collective and personal karma from your throat chakra
Alchemy ritual to heal the physical body
Stellar Gateway Chakra Activation (this chakra connects you with Universal consciousness)
Manifesting ritual with Archangel Metatron
You can listen to this meditation at any Full or New Moon or anytime you feel guided to. Each time that you listen it will shift something different within you!

The recording is just as powerful. When we host these circles, we create an energy blueprint out of space and time. This means that you are able to leverage the power of the group and Solstice energy by listening to the recording.

What people experienced:

What you will receive:

1. Channeled ceremony and meditation
2. Access to our private community where you’ll continue receiving support and resources!
3. Pre and post-ceremony instructions so that you get the most benefit
4. Your purchase matters. A portion of your purchase is donated

Please make sure you type your email address correctly when purchasing. You will get an email with a purchase confirmation. Click the link in that confirmation email to access the ceremony.

If you have any questions about your order, email we cannot respond to Instagram messages.

Can’t wait to transform together!

Much love,

This is provided for educational and informational purposes only and is not medical, mental health, financial, business or legal advice. The information presented here is not intended to diagnose, treat, heal, cure or prevent any illness, medical condition or mental or emotional condition.
RELEASING KARMA WITH YOUR SPIRIT GUIDESIn this meditation you will clear blocks and past life karma by connecting with your soul and spirit guides. You will also connect with and heal your inner child.

We’ll do an alchemy ritual to make your release 6x more powerful.

What people experienced:

What you get:

1. A personalized, channeled ceremony tailored to the energy of our group
2. Access to our private online community where you’ll continue getting support and resources
3. Post-ceremony instructions so that you get the most benefit
4. Your purchase matters. A portion of profits will be donated

Please make sure you type your email correctly when purchasing. You will get an email with a download link with information on how to access the ceremony

Can’t wait to transform together!

Releasing karma with your spirit guides quantity
FULL MOON FIRE RITUAL AND MEDITATION WITH GODDESS ISISThis ceremony is 9x more powerful than normal meditations because it was recorded on the Full Moon (3x more power), Eclipse (3x more power), and in a group setting (3x more power). You’ll heal, release, and manifest with Goddess Isis and 70 people who were live during the recording.

In this ceremony you’ll:
– Release past life and future karma
– Burn the chords (you don’t cut the chords otherwise they’ll grow back) with toxic habits, people, emotions, and actions in your life
– Connect with Goddess Isis to get clarity on your soul’s optimal life purpose and insights about what you need to know currently
– Burn disease and bring health back into your body
– Fire ritual for confidence and power
– Manifest your soul’s optimal life purpose (and leverage 70 people’s energies meaning your manifestations will materialize faster!)
– Heal your inner child, the collective, and Mother Earth

What you get:

1. A channeled meditation tailored to the energy of our group
2. A direct opportunity to ask Goddess Isis your questions
3. Access to our private Facebook community where we’ll share tips and resources!
4. Instructions for a powerful fire ritual to release negative energy
5. Your purchase matters. A portion of all profits are donated
When checking out out DO NOT purchase via PayPal. Paypal puts a hold on these purchases because of the word “Isis” so you won’t receive it immediately. Pay with credit card to get instant access.
Full Moon Fire Ritual and Meditation with Goddess Isis quantity
FIRE RITUAL WITH GODDESS KALI MA TO BURN FEARS, SELF-DOUBT, AND NEGATIVITYThis ritual is 6x more powerful than normal meditations because it was recorded on the Full Moon (3x more power) and in a group setting (3x more power). You’ll heal, release, and burn fears, chords, and self-doubt with Goddess Kali Ma (the Goddess of Destruction, Creation, and Power).
In this ceremony you’ll:
– Release fears, self-doubt, and hidden blocks
– Connect directly with Goddess Kali and ask her questions to get clarity
– Burn chords and release karma that no longer serves you
– Burn disease and bring health back into your body

What you get:
1. A channeled meditation
2. Access to our private Facebook tribe where you’ll connect with like-minded lightwarriors and get tips/resources

3. Instructions for a powerful fire ritual to release negative energy

4. You purchase matters. A portion of all profits are donated.
MARY MAGDALENE HEALING WATER RITUALIn this ceremony and meditation, you will connect with Goddess Myriam (Mary Magdalene) to release blocks, pain, shame, and illusions and transmute them into empowerment.

You will do a water alchemy ritual to clear your energy field and make your release 6x more powerful.

What people experienced:

What you get:

1. Ceremony and meditation
2. Pre and post-ceremony instructions to ensure that you get the most benefit from the session
3. Access to a private Facebook or Telegram group where we’ll continue sharing tips
4. Group reading for August
5. Your purchase matters. A portion of all profits are donated.
Please make sure you write the correct email address when purchasing. You will receive an email with a download link to access our ceremony and instructions for how to prepare.

Can’t wait to transform together!
FIRE ALCHEMY FOR RELEASING BLOCKS, CORDS, AND CHALLENGESIn this meditation you will connect with Goddess Isis to release hidden blocks, illusions, and cords that are holding you back from your new beginnings. We’ll do a fire alchemy ritual to make your release 3x more powerful.

You will use fire alchemy to remove any unnecessary challenges from your path.

You will also get instructions before and after the ritual so that you can get the most benefit.

What people experienced:

“She immediately told me to get rid of codependency.”

“My solar plexus was pulsating a lot never felt that before

“Its 35 degrees here. My hands been freezing all day and now my hands are sooo hot and my crystals are on fire

“When I asked if goddess isis was here my right hand was warm and tingled so strongly!

“The goddess’ wings were engulfed in gold and flames and she wrapped them around me.”

What you get:
1. A personalized, channeled ceremony
2. Access to our private Facebook tribe so that we can continue transforming together!
3. Pre and post ritual instructions so that you get the most benefit
4. Your purchase matters. A portion of profits will be donated

Please make sure you type your email correctly when purchasing. You will get an email with a download link with information on how to access the ritual.

Can’t wait to transform together!
BURNING CORDS AND CALLING YOUR POWER BACK WITH GODDESS SEKHMETIn this ceremony and meditation you will burn cords, blocks, and unnecessary energy with Goddess Sekhmet.

Sekhmet is the Ancient Egyptian (Kemetic) Goddess of Healing and Protection. She is the daughter of the Sun God, Ra, and is known for the fire in her belly. She embodies empowerment and action. Trust that something guided you to her and that you are ready to work with her.

What you will do in this meditation:

* Alchemy fire ritual to burn chords and stuck energy

* Ritual to call your energy back

* Ritual with Goddess Sekhmet to protect your energy field

* Connect directly with Goddess Sekhmet and ask her questions to get guidance and clarity

* Post ceremony instructions so that you get more benefits

What people experienced:



What you get:

1. A personalized, channeled ceremony tailored to the energy of our group
2. Access to our private online community where you’ll continue getting support and resources
3. Pre and post-ceremony instructions so that you get the most benefit
4. Your purchase matters. A portion of profits will be donated

Please make sure you type your email address correctly when purchasing. You will get an email with a download link to access the ceremony and meditation.

Can’t wait to transform together!

We’ll do a fire alchemy ritual with Goddess Kali Ma to make your release 6x more powerful. We’ll focus on burning the chords with beliefs, habits, hidden blocks, and relationships that are keeping us stuck.

Kali Ma will help you cleanse and balance your chakras and you’ll get a chance to ask her questions and get clarity. In the alchemy fire ritual you will receive confidence and protection from Kali Ma

What people experienced:

What you get:

1. A personalized, channeled ceremony tailored to the energy of our group
2. Access to our private Facebook or Telegram community where you’ll get more tips and resources
3. Pre and post ceremony instructions so that you get the most benefit
4. Your purchase matters. A portion of profits will be donated

Please make sure you type your email correctly when purchasing. You will get an email with a download link with information on how to access the ceremony.

Can’t wait to transform together!
Cleansing and Opening Your Chakras with Kali Ma quantity
HEALING AND ATTRACTING LOVE WITH QUAN YINIn this ceremony and meditation you will connect with Goddess Quan Yin to release your fears and deepest hurts.

Quan Yin: Buddhist Goddess of Compassion and of the Sea
Quan Yin’s radiating love and compassion transports you to space where you can be free of judgement and fear so that you can connect with the Divine essence within you. Through her nurturing nature you can release your pain, regrets, grief, and anything that’s preventing you from receiving love. It’s time to open all the layers of your heart.

What you will do in this ceremony and meditation:
* Meditation to release blocks and stuck energy
* Alchemy ritual to clear your energy field and to attract love
* Connect with your inner child to heal timelines
* Connect directly with Goddess Quan Yin and ask her questions to get guidance and clarity

What people experienced:

What you will receive:

1. A channeled ceremony and meditation
2. Access to our private online community where you’ll continue getting support and resources
3. Pre and post-ceremony instructions so that you get the most benefit
4. Your purchase matters. A portion of your purchase is donated

Please make sure you type your email address correctly when purchasing. You will get an email with a download link to access the ceremony and meditation.

Can’t wait to transform together!

Much love,
RELEASING NEGATIVE ENERGY AND CREATING BOUNDARIESIn this ceremony and meditation you will burn cords, blocks, and unnecessary energy with Goddess Isis.

Isis is the Ancient Egyptian (Kemetic) Goddess of Healing, Magick, and Protection. Goddess Isis was a healer and protector of the pharaohs. She’s known for her wisdom and the magick she performs. She embodies a perfect balance of Divine Feminine and Masculine energies. Trust that something brought you to her. Trust that you’re ready to work with her alchemy.

What you will do in this ceremony and meditation:

* Meditation to release blocks and stuck energy
* Alchemy ritual to set boundaries
* Ritual with Goddess Isis to protect your energy field
* Connect directly with Goddess Isis and ask her questions to get guidance and clarity
* Goddess Isis will activate your crystals or an object for protection

What you will receive:

1. A channeled ceremony and meditation
2. Access to our private online community where you’ll continue getting support and resources
3. Pre and post-ceremony instructions so that you get the most benefit
4. Your purchase matters. A portion of profits will be donated

Please make sure you type your email address correctly when purchasing. You will get an email with a download link to access the ceremony and meditation.

Can’t wait to transform together!

Much love,
POWERFUL MANIFESTING ALCHEMY MEDITATIONThis is a powerful manifesting meditation that uses alchemy to optimize your manifestations. In the meditation you connect with your higher self for clarity.

You send light into your future to optimize the timing and delivery of your manifestations using alchemy. It was done in a group setting from Joshua Tree (a portal on Earth), which makes your manifestations 6x more powerful!

After purchasing, make sure you DOWNLOAD THE PDF ON THE CONFIRMATION PAGE. This PDF will have the link to access our recording.

What you get:
1. Meditation with sound healing
2. Access to a private Facebook group where we’ll continue sharing tips!
3. Your purchase matters. A portion of all profits will be donated to an NGO
TRANSFORMATIONAL GUIDED MEDITATION PROGRAMA Harvard study showed that meditation changes your brain in 8 weeks. This means that in 2 months you can become smarter, healthier, and calmer!

After traveling to 30 countries and learning from the best masters from across the world, I developed a unique meditation style that’s designed to give the most benefits.

We’re so confident you will transform with our program that it includes a 100% money back guarantee. If you don’t love our meditations, email us within 45 days of purchase for a refund.

With your purchase, you’ll be gifted these so that you’re supported on your transformational journey:

1. Access to private facebook community
We will share more tips and resources like energy updates, nutrition tips, astrology updates!

2. “Mind Hacking Secrets” eBook
Tips and strategies to learn faster, improve your memory, and boost your productivity!

3. “How to Meditate” Guide
Learn how to get the most benefit from your meditations so that you get faster results.

These meditations include healing frequencies so that you can transform even faster!

Manifesting Program: $20
1.Manifesting effectively (10 mins)
2. Manifesting with joy (10 mins)
3. Manifesting with gratitude (10 mins)
4.Manifesting a solution to a problem (10 mins)
5. Affirmations (20 mins)

Mindset Program: $28
1. Abundance mindset (10 mins)
2. Creating success effortlessly (10 mins)
3. Getting Clarity (10 mins)
4. Courage (10 mins)
5. Getting an answer to a problem (10 mins)
6. Transcendental meditation (10 mins)
7. Trust (10 mins)
8. Getting answers (10 mins)
9. Hypnosis for success (20 mins)
10. Letting go (20 mins)
11. Reflecting (20 mins)
12. Love (20 mins)
13. Affirmations (20 mins)
14. Releasing fear and becoming confident (52 mins)

Spiritual Program: $26
1. Letting go (10 mins)
2. Strengthen and protect your energy (17 mins)
3. Courage (10 mins)
4. Clarity (10 mins)
5. Meditation with mantras (10 mins)
6. Stillness & Connection (10 mins)
7. The Magickal Tree (10 mins)
8. Inner child meditation (10 mins)
9. Love (20 mins)
10. Letting go (20 mins)
11. Cleansing chakras (24 mins)
12. Loving meditation (20 mins)
13. Embodying your higher self (21 mins)

Health and Vitality Program: $14
1. Releasing toxins (10 mins)
2. Strengthening and protecting your energy (17 mins)
3. Relaxing (10 mins)
4. Reversing the aging process (10 mins)
5. Removing tension (20 mins)
6. Cleansing your chakras (24 mins)
7. Restful and rejuvenating sleep (10 mins)

Transformational Guided Meditation Program: $77
Get ALL of these meditations structured as Day 1, Day 2, Day 3…Day 56. Each meditation is the price of a $2 coffee!

Ready for your transformation?
THE SECRETS OF THE CRYSTAL MASTERS REVEALED!In this class you’ll learn how to get the most energy, healing, and protection from your crystals!

You’ll also learn how to communicate with your higher self and journey inside of your crystal.

What you get:

1. 3 hour workshop filled with techniques and exercises
2. A workbook with all of the exercises that you can use to work with your crystals
3. Access to our private Facebook family where we’ll continue sharing tips!
4. Meditations to connect and work with crystals

Your purchase matters! A portion of all profits are donated to 3 NGO that we support.

The price of this class was determined using a pendulum and asking “For the highest good of all those concerned what is the best price to charge for this class?”
FIRE RITUAL WITH GODDESS SEKHMET AND SOLAR PLEXUS ACTIVATIONThis ceremony is 6x more powerful than normal meditations because it was recorded on the Full Moon (3x more power) and in a group setting (3x more power). You’ll heal, release, and activate your personal power with Goddess Sekhmet.

Sekhmet is an Egyptian Goddess. She is a fierce warrior and protective, loving mother. She’s also known for her potent healing abilities. When you connect with her belly and womb, you’ll go through a powerful transformation as she embodies the power of the Divine Feminine.

In this ceremony you will:
– Release fears, self-doubt, and blocks
– Connect with Goddess Sekhmet to get clarity on what blocks you need to release
– Burn chords and negative energy
– Activate your Solar Plexus and Sacral Chakra

What you get:
1. A channeled meditation with an activation
2. Ascension update and how to get ensure you have a smooth ascension process
3. Access to our private Facebook tribe so that we can continue transforming together!

4. Instructions for a powerful fire ritual to release negative energy

5. You purchase matters. A portion of all profits are donated.
RELEASING KARMA WITH YOUR HIGHER SELFIn this meditation you will release karma with your Higher Self.

You will do an alchemy ritual to release past and future life karma that no longer serves your highest good. You will also get a chance to ask your Higher Self questions so that you can receive clarity.

In the ritual you will re-write karmic vows, contracts, and oaths so that they align with your highest path.

This ceremony was recorded in a group setting under the Super Full Moon and Total Eclipse so it will make your release 6x more powerful.

The recording is just as powerful. When we host these circles, we create an energy blueprint out of space and time. This means that you are able to leverage the power of the group and Eclipse energy by listening to the recording.

You can listen to this meditation on any Full Moon or anytime you feel drawn to it. Each time that you listen it will shift something different within you!

What people experienced:

What you will receive:

1. 2 recordings of the ceremony and meditation
2. Access to our online community where you’ll continue receiving support and tips!
3. Pre and post-ceremony instructions so that you get the most benefit
4. Your purchase matters. A portion of your purchase is donated

Please make sure you type your email address correctly when purchasing. You will get an email with a purchase confirmation. Click the link in that confirmation email to access the meditation.

If you have any questions about your order, email we cannot respond to Instagram messages.

Can’t wait to transform together!

Much love,
TRANSFORMING STUCK ENERGY AND BRINGING EASE INTO YOUR LIFE WITH GODDESS BRIGITIn this meditation you will connect with the Celtic Goddess of Healing, Protection, and Wisdom to do a:

* Fire alchemy ritual to make your release 6x more powerful

* Meditation to release blocks and stuck energy

* Alchemy fire ritual to clear different layers of your energy field (past life, present, and future)

* An opportunity for you to directly connect with Goddess Brigit and ask her questions to receive guidance

* Ritual to bring more ease and forward momentum into your life

* Post ceremony instructions so that you get more benefits

What people experienced:

What you get:

1. A channeled ceremony and meditation (2 recordings)
2. Access to our private online community where you’ll get more tips and resources!
3. Pre and post ceremony instructions so that you get the most benefit
4. Your purchase matters. A portion of your purchase is donated

Please make sure that you type your email correctly when purchasing. You will get an email with a download link with information on how to access the ceremony.

Can’t wait to transform together!
Much love,
Transforming Stuck Energy and Bringing Ease into your life with Goddess Brigit quantity
RELEASING BLOCKS AND GETTING GUIDANCE INTO SOUL’S PATHIn this meditation you will connect with your higher-self to release hidden blocks and illusions that are holding you back. You will also get guidance into your soul’s most optimal path.

You will get instructions before and after the ceremony so that you can get the most benefit.

What you get:
1. A personalized, channeled ceremony tailored to the energy of our group
2. A recording of the meditation
3. Access to our private Facebook tribe so that we can continue transforming together!
4. Pre and post ceremony instructions so that you get the most benefit
5. Your purchase matters. A portion of profits will be donated

Please make sure you type your email correctly when purchasing. You will get an email with a download link with information on how to access the ceremony.

Can’t wait to transform together!
RELEASING STUCK ENERGY AND IMBALANCES WITH YESHUA (JESUS)In this guided meditation with Yeshua (Jesus) you will do a:

* Meditation to release blocks, stuck energy, and imbalances

* Alchemy ritual with Yeshua

* An opportunity for you to directly connect with Yeshua and ask him questions to receive guidance

* Post ceremony instructions so that you can receive more benefits!

What people experienced:

What you get:

1. A channeled ceremony and meditation (2 recordings)
2. Access to our private online community where you’ll get more tips and resources!
3. Pre and post ceremony instructions so that you get the most benefit
4. Your purchase matters. A portion of your purchase is donated

Please make sure that you type your email correctly when purchasing. You will get an email with a download link with information on how to access the ceremony.

Can’t wait to transform together!
Much love,
Releasing Stuck Energy and Imbalances with Yeshua (Jesus) quantity
RELEASING BLOCKS AND SELF DOUBT WITH GODDESS SEKHMETSekhmet is the Ancient Egyptian (Kemetic) Goddess of Healing and Protection. She is the daughter of the Sun God, Ra, and is known for the fire in her belly. Sekhmet’s intensity offers protection and her nurturing nature channels her healing abilities. She embodies empowerment and action. Trust that something guided you to her and that you are ready to work with her.

In this guided meditation with Goddess Sekhmet you will do a:

* Meditation to release blocks, stuck energy, fears, and self-doubt

* Alchemy ritual with Goddess Sekhmet to heal your solar plexus

* Shamanic ritual to call your energy and power back

* Manifesting ritual to transmute self-doubt in confidence

* An opportunity for you to directly connect with Sekhmet and ask her questions to receive guidance

* Post ceremony instructions so that you can receive more benefits!

What people experienced:

What you get:

1. A channeled ceremony and meditation (2 recordings)
2. Access to our private online community where you’ll get more resources, tips, and support!
3. Pre and post ceremony instructions so that you get the most benefit
4. Your purchase matters. A portion of your purchase is donated

Please make sure that you type your email correctly when purchasing. You will get an email with a download link with information on how to access the ceremony.

Can’t wait to transform together!
Much love,
FIRE RITUAL FOR RELEASING WITH CELTIC GODDESS BRIGITIn this meditation you will Connect with the Celtic Goddess of Healing, Fire, and Wisdom to:

* Do a fire alchemy ritual to make your release 6x more powerful

* Burn away unnecessary challenges from your future

* Release confusion

* Heal your physical body

* Bless your home with protection

* Get clarity and direct guidance from Goddess Brigit

Even if you haven’t heard of her before, trust that something brought you to her.

What people experienced:

What you get:

1. A channeled ceremony and meditation (2 recordings)
2. Access to our private online community where you’ll get more tips and resources!
3. Pre and post ceremony instructions so that you get the most benefit
4. Your purchase matters. A portion of your purchase is donated

Please make sure that you type your email correctly when purchasing. You will get an email with a download link with information on how to access the ceremony.

Can’t wait to transform together!
Much love,
Fire Ritual for Releasing with Celtic Goddess Brigit quantity

In this ceremony and meditation, you will connect with Goddess Asuet (Isis) to:

*Activate your angel wings

*Cleanse and open your Heart Chakra and Solar Plexus

*Remove karmic imprints (traumas, attachments, and imbalances) from your soul’s blueprint

*Remove yourself from soul groups (soul family) that are no longer in alignment with your soul’s highest good and growth

*Join new soul groups that are in alignment with your soul’s highest potential

*Connect directly with Goddess Auset (Isis) and ask her questions to receive clarity

What people experienced:

What you receive:

1. Ceremony and meditation

2. Pre and post-ceremony instructions to ensure that you get the most benefit

3. Access to a private community where we’ll continue sharing tips and resources!

4. Your purchase matters. A portion of your purchase is donated

Please make sure you write the correct email address when purchasing. You will receive an email with a download link to access our ceremony!

Can’t wait to transform together!

Much love,
Full Moon Meditation
Full Moon Ritual and Meditation Monthly SubscriptionCancel anytime. No contracts.
Free 7 Day Trial $22 Monthly
Alchemy Retreat Las Vegas Full PaymentSave $83
Alchemy Retreat Las Vegas 2 Payments of $5972 monthly payments of $597
$597.00 / month - 2 total
Equinox Ceremony and Meditation
Equinox Ceremony and Meditation: 3 Monthly Payments of $13.33
$13.33 / month - 3 total
New Moon Eclipse Ceremony
Moon Alchemy™ Membership (Moon Alchemy™ Membership)
$22 Monthly

Checkout as guest

FULL MOON CEREMONYFull Moon energies peak 3 days after the Moon is full.

You can listen to this meditation during any Full Moon or whenever you are guided to listen to it. Each time that you listen, it will shift something different within you!

When we host these circles, we create an energy blueprint out of space and time. This means that you are able to leverage the power of the group and Full Moon energy by listening to the recording.

Our Ceremony and Meditation is about 2 hours on Zoom on Sunday October 9. You will receive a recording if you cannot join live.

12PM Los Angeles Oct 9
1PM Denver Oct 9
3PM New York Oct 9
8PM London Oct 9
6AM Sydney Oct 10

What you will receive:

1. Live channeled ceremony & meditation and recordings
2. Access to our online community where you’ll receive tips, support, and resources!
3. Pre and post-ceremony instructions so that you get the most benefit
4. Group reading so that you get clarity for November
5. Your purchase matters. A portion of your purchase is donated

Please make sure you type your email address correctly when purchasing. You will get an email with a download link with information on how to access the ceremony. If you don’t receive an email, you can email us We cannot respond to Instagram DMs so please email us.

Can’t wait to transform together!

Much love,
ECLIPSE MEDITATIONThe Lunar Eclipse portal peaks until Nov 19 and is open until early December.

You can listen to this meditation at any Full or New Moon or anytime you feel guided to. Each time that you listen it will shift something different within you!

The recording is just as powerful. When we host these circles, we create an energy blueprint out of space and time. This means that you are able to leverage the power of the group and Eclipse energy by listening to the recording.

If you cannot join live, you will receive a recording 24 hours after the ceremony.

Our event is on Tuesday November 8 via Zoom.

5:30 PM Los Angeles
7:30 PM Chicago
8:30 PM New York
1:30 AM London (Nov 9)
12:30 PM Sydney (Nov 9)

What you will receive:

1. Live, channeled ceremony and meditation
2. Access to our private online community where you’ll continue receiving support and resources!
3. Pre and post-ceremony instructions so that you get the most benefit
4. Your purchase matters. A portion of your purchase is donated
5. 2 recordings of the ceremony and meditation

Please make sure you type your email address correctly when purchasing. You will get an email with a purchase confirmation. Click the link in that confirmation email to access the ceremony.

If you have any questions about your order, email we cannot respond to Instagram messages.

Can’t wait to manifest together!

Much love,
DNA ACTIVATION AND MANIFESTING WITH YOUR STARSEED FAMILYYou will receive a recording if you cannot join live.

What people experienced in last year’s ceremony:

“just incredible I’m at a level of no words can describe I felt so many sensations. I felt so free and light I’m feeling reborn seriously incredible thank you !”

“I was told to stop doubting myself and to take ownership of my gift for writing 

“I felt the Metatron cube all over my aura and i feel really blessed”

“I saw GoddessIsis spreading her wings above my entire house. It was incredible when you called for protection of the whole family!


“I saw a phoenix in my upper heart chakra

“I felt the most amazing amount and kind of energy when my DNA was being activated. My body was charging and kind of jumping and pulsing.”

“The energy was AMAZING! And so strong. I cried soon as I saw my entire spirit team. I was burping a lot as well. This was so powerful. At the end when we were ending, I saw my entire spirit family on my porch as if they were guiding me back

“I saw a massive blue star being in the universe with a golden crown and blue streams of light growing from it’s crown. Under it’s heart chakra was covered in gold like a cloud and they were watching me!

“I was told to stop hiding and to expose my gifts.

“I felt little diamond sparkles all inside my body
. What I loved the most was seeing my ancestors, angels, spirit babies.. I literally saw my spirit team. I loved this so much!”

What you get:
1. A channeled meditation
2. Access to our online community where you’ll continue getting tips and resources
3. Pre and post ceremony instructions so that you get the most benefit
4. Your purchase matters. A portion of profits will be donated
Can’t wait to transform together!
Please make sure you type your email add ress correctly when purchasing. You will receive an email with a download link with information on how to access the meditation.
DNA ACTIVATION AND MANIFESTING WITH YOUR STARSEED FAMILYYou will receive a recording if you cannot join live.

What people experienced in last year’s ceremony:

“just incredible I’m at a level of no words can describe I felt so many sensations. I felt so free and light I’m feeling reborn seriously incredible thank you !”

“I was told to stop doubting myself and to take ownership of my gift for writing 

“I felt the Metatron cube all over my aura and i feel really blessed”

“I saw GoddessIsis spreading her wings above my entire house. It was incredible when you called for protection of the whole family!


“I saw a phoenix in my upper heart chakra

“I felt the most amazing amount and kind of energy when my DNA was being activated. My body was charging and kind of jumping and pulsing.”

“The energy was AMAZING! And so strong. I cried soon as I saw my entire spirit team. I was burping a lot as well. This was so powerful. At the end when we were ending, I saw my entire spirit family on my porch as if they were guiding me back

“I saw a massive blue star being in the universe with a golden crown and blue streams of light growing from it’s crown. Under it’s heart chakra was covered in gold like a cloud and they were watching me!

“I was told to stop hiding and to expose my gifts.

“I felt little diamond sparkles all inside my body
. What I loved the most was seeing my ancestors, angels, spirit babies.. I literally saw my spirit team. I loved this so much!”

What you get:
1. A channeled meditation
2. Access to our online community where you’ll continue getting tips and resources
3. Pre and post ceremony instructions so that you get the most benefit
4. Your purchase matters. A portion of profits will be donated
Can’t wait to transform together!
Please make sure you type your email add ress correctly when purchasing. You will receive an email with a download link with information on how to access the meditation.
POWERFUL MANIFESTING WITH DIVINE FEMININE AND MASCULINE ENERGYThis is a powerful manifesting meditation that uses alchemy to optimize your manifestations. You will also receive manifesting rituals in our ceremony.

You will optimize the timing and delivery of your manifestations using alchemy. We do a fire and water alchemy ritual with your Divine Feminine and Masculine energy that makes manifesting 6x more powerful!

Testimonials from this meditation:

“The curse of 2020 is being lifted. Promotion and a good raise at my day job 72 hours after.” – Jen

“Within 24 hours I got a call from a customer who owed us for services and they wanted to pay ASAP. It’s a larger amount that I expected. Like 8 times larger than usual. I was completely shocked!” – Elizabeth

“The day after the meditation I went to the office and the women who I report to said she was giving me a raise. And she gave me a $400 check.” – Nadia

“I had a court hearing and I did the meditation the night before. The judge dismissed the case. I’m so grateful for your help.” – Victoria

“As we were manifesting, I got one order and another person inquiring. I haven’t felt this good in a long time.” – Rose

Please make sure you type your email correctly when purchasing. You will get an email with a download link to access the meditation.

What you get:
1. A channeled meditation and ceremony (2 recordings)
2. Manifesting tips
3. Access to our private online community where you’ll continue receiving tips and resources!
4. Pre and post ceremony instructions so that you get the most benefit
5. Your purchase matters. A portion of your purchase is donated
Can’t wait to manifest together!
Much love,
ACTIVATION FOR ABUNDANCE, COURAGE, AND DNA UPGRADEYou can listen to this activation during New Moons or whenever you feel called to. Every time that you listen, it will shift something new within you!

What we’ll do in the ceremony:

Connect with your spirit guides
Alchemy water ritual to manifest abundance, love, wealth, wisdom, growth, courage, and confidence
Receive courage and abundance activations from your spirit guides
Clearing ancestral karma and trauma from DNA
DNA activation to awaken full potential of your body
Connect directly with your Starseed family for guidance and clarity
What people experienced:

What you get:

1. Abundance and DNA upgrade activations meditation and ceremony

2 Pre and post-ceremony instructions to get the most benefit

3 Access to a private online community where you’ll continue receiving support and resources

4 Your purchase matters. A portion of all profits are donated

We highly recommend doing this fire ritual to burn blocks before listening to this abundance activation because you need to release the old, in order to receive the new.

Please make sure you write your correct email address when purchasing. You will receive an email with instructions on how to access the event.

Can’t wait to manifest with you!

Have a question? Email
CEREMONY FOR NEW BEGINNINGSIn this meditation you will do an alchemy ritual to help you remove obstacles from the next 3 months. You’ll connect with your higher self to manifest and activate your solar plexus.

What you get:

1. Ceremony and meditation
2. Pre and post-ceremony instructions to ensure that you get the most benefit from the session
3. Access to a private Facebook or Telegram group where we’ll continue sharing tips
4. Your purchase matters. A portion of all profits will get donated to a local NGO.
Please make sure you write the correct email when purchasing. You will receive an email with a download link to access our ceremony and instructions for how to prepare.

Can’t wait to manifest together!

If you’re a single mother facing financial challenges, please email us at
DNA ACTIVATION WITH STARSEEDSThe Lions Gate portal is open until Aug 18. You can listen to this meditation during any Full Moon, New Moon, or whenever you are guided to listen to it. Each time that you listen, it will shift something different within you!

When we host these circles, we create an energy blueprint out of space and time. This means that you are able to leverage the power of the group and portal energy by listening to the recording.

What you receive:

1. Channeled ceremony and meditation
2. Access to our online community where you’ll receive tips, support, and resources!
3. Pre and post-ceremony instructions so that you get the most benefit
4. Your purchase matters. A portion of your purchase is donated

Please make sure you type your email address correctly when purchasing. You will get an email with a download link with information on how to access the ceremony. If you don’t receive an email, you can email us We cannot respond to Instagram DMs so please email us.

Can’t wait to connect!

Much love,

DNA Activation with Starseeds quantity
CLEANSING PAST AND PARALLEL LIVES AND MANIFESTING SOUL BALANCEThe Equinox portal is open until Sept 27 and you can listen to this recording during any New Moon, Full Moon, or any time that you want to! Each time that you listen, it will shift something different within you.

When we host these circles, we create an energy blueprint out of space and time. This means that you are able to leverage the power of the group and portal energy by listening to the recording.

***Beginner and advanced meditators welcomed***

1. Channeled Ceremony and meditation recordings
2. Pre and post-ceremony instructions so that you get the most benefit
3. Access to our online community where you’ll receive tips, support, and resources!
4. Your purchase matters. A portion of your purchase is donated
Please make sure you type your email address correctly when purchasing. You will get an email with a download link with information on how to access the ceremony. If you don’t receive an email, you can email us We cannot respond to Instagram DMs so please email us.

Can’t wait to manifest together!

Much love,
RELEASING AND MANIFESTING MEDITATIONThe manifesting portal is open from June 7 – 23. You can listen to this meditation at any New Moon or whenever you want to manifest.

In this ceremony and meditation you will:

Manifest with an alchemy fire and water ritual to make your manifestations 6x more powerful.
Manifest with your soul rather than your ego to get what you actually want
Activate your solar plexus (chakra for personal power and confidence)
Manifest with your spirit guides
Release so that you can receive your manifestations
***Beginner and advanced meditators welcomed***

Here’s what people experienced in this ceremony:

1. Live Ceremony and meditation
2. Pre and post-ceremony instructions to ensure that you get the most benefit from the session
3. Access to a private Facebook or Telegram group where we’ll continue sharing tips
4. Your purchase matters. A portion of all profits will get donated
Please make sure you write the correct email when purchasing. You will receive an email with a download link to access our ceremony.

Can’t wait to manifest together!
EGYPTIAN GODDESS MEDITATION FOR SPIRITUAL GROWTHIn this ceremony and meditation, you will connect with Goddess Isis and your Spirit Guides to release blocks, clear your chakras, and activate your energy centers.

After releasing, you will do a water alchemy ritual for manifesting to make your manifestations 6x more powerful.

What people experienced:

What you get:

1. Ceremony and meditation
2. Pre and post-ceremony instructions to ensure that you get the most benefit from the session
3. Access to a private Facebook or Telegram group where we’ll continue sharing tips
4. Your purchase matters. A portion of all profits will get donated to a local NGO.
Please make sure you write the correct email address when purchasing. You will receive an email with a download link to access our ceremony and instructions for how to prepare.

Can’t wait to manifest together!
MANIFESTING MEDITATION***Beginner and advanced meditators welcomed***

The Solstice is not only a gateway for a new season, but it creates a portal to a new cycle in our lives.

In our Ceremony and Meditation you will balance your divine feminine and masculine energy with Goddess Isis and Archangel Metatron so that you can start this season with more peace, alignment, and ease.

We’ll also do an alchemy ritual to make your manifestation 6x more powerful.

You can listen to this recording during any portal, New Moon, or any time that you want to manifest!

When we host these circles, we create an energy blueprint out of space and time. This means that you are able to leverage the power of the group and Solstice energy by listening to the recording.

1. Channeled ceremony and meditation
2. Pre and post-ceremony instructions and manifesting tips to ensure that you get the most benefit!
3. Access to a private online community where we’ll continue sharing tips and resources!
4. Your purchase matters. A portion of your purchase is donated

Please make sure you type your email address correctly when purchasing. You will get an email with a download link with information on how to access the ceremony. If you don’t receive an email, you can email us We cannot respond to Instagram DMs so please email us instead.

Can’t wait to manifest together!

Much love,
RELEASE ANCESTRAL KARMAConnect with your loved ones who passed and ancestors to get guidance and heal ancestral karma.

When we are born Into our families, we take on that lineage’s karma. It’s important to heal and release any karma that no longer serves your family’s highest good .

In this ceremony you will:
– Release fears, blocks, and ancestral karma
– Connect with your loved ones who passed away to get guidance
– Connect with your ancestors to release karma that is out of alignment with your family’s highest good

What you get:
1. A channeled meditation
2. Ritual to connect with your loved ones who passed away
3. Access to our private online community so that where you’ll receiving tips, resources, and support!
4. You purchase matters. A portion of your purchase is donated

Please make sure you type your email address correctly when purchasing. You will get an email with a download link to access the ceremony. If you don’t receive an email, you can email us We cannot respond to Instagram DMs so please email us.

Can’t wait to transform together!

Much love,
PROVEN AFFIRMATIONS FOR ABUNDANCE, HEALTH, LOVE, SUCCESS, JOY, AND CONFIDENCEThese proven affirmations will help you to create abundance, confidence, success, health, unconditional love, joy, and peace in your life quickly.

We created a unique way to do affirmations in a way that gives you instant results. It also includes bonus affirmations for you to connect with your spirit guides and psychic abilities.

“4 days after starting the affirmations Sol gave me, I got a paycheck with an extra $2,000!”- Kristin, Norway

“Within 3 days of using affirmations, I made $800 unexpectedly!”- Cynthia, USA

(This client was having issues with horribly painful cramps and other sex organ-related issues) “I started the nightly affirmations last Saturday and on Monday my period suddenly showed up. It was the most normal cycle I’ve had in a good while. Great seeing the results so soon! – Norway

Using affirmations allows you to develop new habits and belief systems much faster because it goes past the conscious mind and straight into the subconscious to create quick results.

This instantly downloadable PDF comes with complete instructions so that you can get fast, long-lasting results.

You will also get access to our private Facebook community where we’ll continue sharing resources with you!

*Your purchase matters. We donate a portion of your purchase.
MANIFESTING WITH YOUR SPIRIT GUIDESIn this meditation you will do an alchemy ritual to make your manifestations 6x more powerful.

You’ll connect with your spirit guides to receive guidance and manifest with them!

What people experienced:

What you get:

1. Channeled ceremony and meditation
2. Pre and post-ceremony instructions to ensure that you get the most benefit from the session
3. Access to an online community where we’ll share tips and resources
4. Your purchase matters. A portion of all profits will be donated
Please make sure that you write the correct email address when purchasing. You will receive an email with information on how to access our ceremony. If you have any questions about your order email

Can’t wait to manifest together!
MANIFESTING WITH YOUR SPIRIT GUIDES AND CLEANSING YOUR SOLAR PLEXUSThe 11/11 Manifesting and Awakening portal peaks until Nov 19.

You can listen to this meditation at any Full or New Moon or anytime you feel guided to. Each time that you listen it will shift something different within you!

This is a recording of our 11/11 ceremony and meditation. The recording is just as powerful. When we host these circles, we create an energy blueprint out of space and time. This means that you are able to leverage the power of the group and 11/11 energy by listening to the recording.

In this meditation you will:

Connect with your Spirit Guides to receive guidance and ask questions
Cleanse your Solar Plexus (area of personal power and confidence)
Manifest with your Spirit Guides
What people experienced:

What you will receive:

1. A channeled ceremony and a meditation
2. Access to our private online community where you’ll continue receiving support and resources!
3. Pre and post-ceremony instructions so that you get the most benefit
4. Your purchase matters. A portion of your purchase is donated

Please make sure you type your email address correctly when purchasing. You will get an email with a purchase confirmation. Click the link in that confirmation email to access the ceremony.

If you have any questions about your order, email we cannot respond to Instagram messages.

Can’t wait to manifest together!

Much love,

Manifesting With Your Spirit Guides and Cleansing Your Solar Plexus quantity
STARSEED MEDITATION FOR GUIDANCEConnect with your Starseed family for clarity and guidance. We are all connected to the Arcturians because we all have Arcturian DNA. In this meditation you will:

-Connect with Arcturian Starseeds

-Open up your Third-Eye

-Get guidance from your Starseed family

What you get:
1. Meditation with sound healing frequencies
2. Access to a private Facebook group where we’ll continue sharing tips!
3. Your purchase matters. A portion of all profits will be donated to an NGO
Starseed Meditation For Guidance quantity